![[Image: y1n49FG.png]](http://i.imgur.com/y1n49FG.png)
Server and website info:
Server IP Adress:
Server Teamspeak adress: ts.bug-community.com
Website: http://www.bug-community.com
Server Details:
Server, along with the database, has been up since 2nd January 2015
A great place to start a new year of DayZ, and to rebuild or relive for the upcoming 1.8 patch!
Restarts every 4 hours at: 00:15, 04:15, 08:15, 12:15, 16:15, 20:15 [GMT +1]
Ingame information:
3rd Person: ON
Scoreboard: ON
Nameplates: OFF
Tracers: OFF
Death Messages: ON
Viewdistance: 1000M
Air Patrol: Mi24 Hind
Trader: ON
SafeZone at Trader: ON
Vehicle Lock: OFF
Weight Limit: MAX
Only owner of buildings/fences are able to destroy them.
All bot skill @ 100%
Sector B: 1 wave consisting of 3 bots.
Server Rules:
Now, I know it's alot to read, and it probably looks like we're super strict and not going to allow anything. Wrong! We just wrote more than "No this and that" to each point

1.) Trader Rules
Since there is a safezone at the Trader island, it's impossible to get killed so you don't have to worry about that. But take responsibility for your vehicles, lock them so they don't get stolen as it is allowed to steal vehicles!
No vehicle kamikazes at/near trader
Do not blow up vehicles at the trader
2.) Base Raiding/Attacking/Sector B
Daily/longterm camping is not allowed and will not be looked kindly upon.
Any kind of glitch used to access players bases will not be tolerated.
No safe blocking or being a troll in bases build by other people.
Do not blow up vehicles in finished buildings. (Garages/houses with roofs)
Base kamikaze or destruction of fences is not allowed.
No destruction of supply crates
No destruction of the trucks on Sector B
3.) Building
No building too close to main roads. Must be room for vehicles to get through, you can tank trap it to slow them down,etc
No building on vehicle spawns or in other peoples bases
4.) Combat Logging
NO combat logging, PERIOD! Die like a man/woman, if persistent you will be banned.
5.) Asking for Help
MOST IMPORTANT - If you're in need of a moderator/administrator, please be on our TeamSpeak channel (ts.bug-community.com) and PM one of the admins to receive help.
Do not cry in side chat for help - this affects other players who may be in combat. Simple respect is all that is needed to achieve this, you may ask once for admin, and he or she will be notified.
Please do not expect help from an administrator with re-spawning items such as food/ammo/medical supplies - We can't and we won't spawn items for anyone.
Game client issues are not our problems to solve. But we will be happy to give advice if needed.
If you suspect someone is breaking the rules, find an admin on TeamSpeak (ts.bug-community.com) and please be prepared to describe the incident and most preferably provide evidence.
6.) Side Chat
English only in side channel chat, as this is an international server. Note that you are able to receive admin help in English, Swedish and Dutch, but only in teamspeak.
No voice chat in side channel – You will be warned, then ban will follow shortly
Racist/sexist and homophobic comments are not allowed and will result in a permanent ban. Any player deemed by the admins to be overly abusive or making real life threats will be punished. This also applies to anyone abusing players via TeamSpeak.
No imitating other players or admins.
No callouts of killers location in side chat if you get killed.
7.) TeamSpeak Rules
Do not use the teamspeak channels to locate and kill other players who are in the same channel! Use the channels to team up and work together.
Keep the chat related to Origins, if you are playing a different game, switch channel and bring your friend there instead.
Be respectful to all those in the TeamSpeak server.
Players are advised use in game name on our TeamSpeak. This is mainly to avoid confusion.
Please use the channels that are dedicated to Origins only.
Trolling the TeamSpeak will result in permanent ban and thus you will be unable to receive further help from admins.
8.) Other
If banned it might be a good idea to have your GUID, PID, name, IP and reason why you were banned, ready to give to an administrator.
Please, provide have some form of evidence when talking to us about potential hackers. Screenshots and videos can help alot. We don't want to wrongfully ban someone and we will not ban anyone unless we have enough proof.
Server will be expanded to 50 slots if we get enough players
Server auto restarts every 4 hours with serveral warnings.
Sometimes, although not very often, admins try to blend in with the rest and show human behaviour. If you feel like you have been wronged during that period, please try and make your case like a gentleperson as aggressiveness will get you nowhere.
General BuG rules apply at all times
BuG rules
Check them regularly to avoid any problems